The Small Business Owner's Guide to Taking a Vacation [Bonus: Free Swipe File]

Summer is around the corner, and you know what that means. Well… aside from watermelon mocktails and listening to “Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” while grilling Beyond Meat Burgers on the barbeque.

As a CEO, taking time off can be, well, challenging.

We see a lot of ‘work-life balance’ advice around here, but it’s not that simple, is it? No.

I know how hard you work and how much you deserve a break. But let me guess—you feel guilty about taking a vacation, right? Or maybe the thought of preparing for one gives you anxiety? 

You're not alone. So many business owners (me included) face the same struggle. The constant go, go, go, the never-ending tasks, and the pressure to stay on top of everything can make the idea of unplugging seem impossible. But here's the thing: you need and deserve that vacation. You've earned it!

To help you take that much-needed break without the stress, I've created the CEO's Guide to Vacation! This guide is packed with my best practices for preparing for vacation, so you can relax and enjoy your time off without worries. 

Download Your Free Guide Here

What's Inside the CEO's Guide to Vacation?

  • Pre-Vacation Checklist: Everything you need to get done before you leave.

  • Client Communication Templates: Swipe files to notify your clients about your upcoming vacation plans.

  • Team Coordination Templates: Tools to ensure your team is on track while you’re away.

  • Emergency Plan: Steps to handle unexpected situations without disturbing your peace.

  • Tips to Truly Unwind: Practical advice to help you disconnect and recharge.

This guide is for the business owner who is running solo or has a team. It will help you:

  • Feel confident and prepared for your vacation.

  • Avoid the overwhelm of catching up on emails and tasks.

  • Eliminate the guilt of taking a well-deserved break.

Here are some tips I learned that may be helpful to you as you plan a vacation this summer [without feeling overwhelmed or guilty]:

Plan Ahead: Make sure you plan your time off well in advance and communicate your plans with your team and clients. This may sound obvious, but time has a weird way of getting away, doesn’t it? My personal rule of thumb is to give everyone, at the very least, 2 months in advance. This will allow you to prepare for your absence and delegate tasks to your team members.

TIP: Download my vacation guide to notify your clients via email of your upcoming vacation plans.

Set Boundaries: While you are away, it is essential to set boundaries to prevent work from encroaching on your time off. This tip is very personal. I did check my emails and Asana, but I made it very clear in my advance notice that I would not be taking on new projects by X date.

TIP: Set up an auto-reply on your email and voicemail based on your boundary.

Trust Your Team: Delegating tasks to your team members will not only help reduce your workload but also show that you trust them to handle important tasks while you are away. A big part is giving them the tools they need to succeed (credentials & passwords, business credit card information, SOPs, canned emails).

Unplug: I beg you, TRY to disconnect as much as possible while you are away. If possible, avoid checking your email/Slack/project management tool. This will help you recharge and come back to work feeling refreshed.

Practice Self-Care: While you are away, make sure you take care of yourself. Spend time doing things you enjoy, such as spending time with family and friends, reading a book, or engaging in a hobby. This will help you relax and reduce stress levels.

Focus on the Positive: Remind yourself that taking time off is necessary for your well-being and that it will help you come back to work with renewed energy and focus.

Business Owner's Guide to Taking a Vacation

Taking time off is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and it is totally okay to do so as a CEO. By planning ahead, setting boundaries, trusting your team, unplugging, practicing self-care, and focusing on the positive, you can take time off this summer without feeling overwhelmed or guilty.

Vacation Planning Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

About Crystal Eva

Crystal Eva is a Fractional Chief Operating Officer. She empowers and supports women entrepreneurs by streamlining their technology, enhancing client retention, and elevating the client journey and onboarding process with seamless efficiency.

P.S. Are you ready to streamline, elevate, and turbocharge your business growth so you can live a more balanced life?  

Here are all the ways I can help you

  1. Looking to impress clients from Day 1? Grab the New Client Onboarding Workbook that’s been tested and proven to be effective and for a limited time, Crystal is sharing this valuable step-by-step guide and templates with you for FREE!

  2. Feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day tasks that are holding you back from scaling your business? Crystal’s Monthly Support Retainer Service might be the game-changer you've been searching for. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with Crystal today!


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