One of the most challenging aspects of growing a business is managing scope creep.

Think of it this way...​ 🥗 🍵 🍩

​Suppose you walk into a​ restaurant and order a quinoa salad. ​Your order is served and you happily enjoy it. But then you feel thirsty, and decide to order an iced green tea. Oh, and you add some dessert to your order… say, a chocolate brownie with extra toppings. Well, now your order just changed [aka scope of work]. Most folks would assume that adding these extra items to the order would increase the time you spend in the restaurant and the price of the order. Unfortunately, this is not always the assumption in the biz world.

As a former “YES,​ GIRL” 🙋🏻‍♀️ I can tell you that without proper planning + communication, scope creep will happen when a client has a new idea or wants to add something beyond the original contract.

👆🏼This is one of the most challenging aspects of growing ​a ​company​ because it can be difficult to answer, "but can you also do this?" after the project has begun [especially when it's not a little task].

NOTE: Always use your discretion on extra asks. I also feel that extra asks can be an opportunity to show exceptional service and my “above and beyond” desire for a long-term partnership.

​So, why does scope creep happen? It usually comes down to a lack of communication or understanding of the project and a vague contract.

Most scope creep begins with a slight change here or there, and as service providers, we tend to say yes in order to satisfy our clients. And before ya know it, the contract you and your client signed and the work you are doing are completely different things. This can really put you in a pickle! And nobody wants to be in one of those. Trust me.

Follow my 5 steps… So you can successfully manage scope creep and maintain a lasting client relationship:

  1. Crystal Clear Communication

  2. Proposal Jujitsu

  3. Connect the Dots

  4. Regular Updates

  5. Paper Trail

Step 01: Crystal Clear Communication

Create a detailed written contract. It will weed out clients saying, “I thought that was included”.

Include something like, “At some point during our contract, you may come up with a new idea, but realize those additional ideas are not going to be included in your original proposal and will add additional costs” or, “Sure, we can do that. It’s outside the scope of work of our original agreement, and will add X dollars to your project total”.

I will say this, expect and accept a little bit of change inside the scope. It’s inevitable. So, include a buffer that you feel comfortable with, and add contract terminology, such as, “ tasks related to Canva work associated with Podcast Launch”.

Step 02: Proposal Jujitsu

If and when your client wants to add services outside of the contract, simply reply, “That’s a genius idea! Let me refer back to the contract and get back to you”. Then, begin a phase 2 list and create a proposal. Always remember that your client’s success is your success, and that’s exactly how communication should make them feel.

Step 03: Connect the Dots

Help your client prioritize their goals, tasks, project, deadlines, and so forth.

Define the deliverables, identify the timeline and always review milestones with your client to create trust and an understanding of the big picture.

Step 04: Regular Updates

Provide regular and consistent updates, especially before implementing any changes.

It is important that the client understands and agrees [in writing] to any additional work not stated in the contract.

Step 05: Paper Trail

Keep a written record of communication from day one and onwards. This could be a way of email threads, CRM project notepad, or meeting notes in Google Docs.

A communication trail can be helpful should you need to rework project deadlines, and responsibilities or provide new estimates.

If you follow these 5 ways to manage scope creep, your relationship with your client will flourish, and so will your business!

P.S. Are you ready to streamline, elevate, and turbocharge your business growth so you can live a more balanced life? 

Here are all the ways I can help you

  1. Looking to impress clients from Day 1? Grab the New Client Onboarding Workbook that’s been tested and proven to be effective and for a limited time, I’m sharing this valuable step-by-step guide and templates with you for FREE!

  2. Need to get a project done quickly? My highly personalized VIP Day Experience is designed to skip the back-and-forth emails and long timelines. This service is for you if you want a done-in-a-day service for a date rate.

  3. Feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day tasks that are holding you back from scaling your business? My Monthly Retainer Service might be the game-changer you've been searching for. Let's chat about how this service can transform your business. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me today!


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