Here Are 5 Things You Can Update Your Clients On Weekly


A big part of keeping clients happy is keeping them in the loop

Even if you feel like there is nothing to update, do it

By sending quick updates, even if it's not significant, you can give your clients peace of mind that you are constantly on top of their projects

I send my non-negotiable weekly status report to each of my clients every Monday morning, but you may send emails more often than that

In the email, I share how much time I spent in/on their business, and attach my project management summary and detailed report

PRO TIP | I send a high-level summary email [see below template] with two attachments from my project management tool 


High-Level Summary Email Template [Weekly]

Hey there, CLIENT NAME!

I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. 

Each Monday, you can expect a Toggl Summary Report of my time spent on your business. Please review it, and ask any questions. 

Attached are the detailed & summary reports of my hours to date [INSERT DATE].

Thank you so much for your continued support! I am excited to see your vision come to life on [launch date] - just around the corner. We got this! 


Talk soon!


Project Management, Asana, CRM, Dubsado, Time Toggl Tracker

By sending a high-level daily or weekly status report,

you are showing complete transparency to your client, which gains trust, as well as moving the needle forward on tasks or projects

This report should always include

  • Completed tasks

  • Pending completion tasks

  • Upcoming milestones

  • Delayed items

the extra mile with something special

If necessary, I will add notes around prioritizing items or flag important matters that need immediate attention

In addition to your weekly status report, add ‘something extra’ for the above-and-beyond sparkle!

‘Something extra’ ideas include

  • Meeting notes with highlighted action items, if these weren’t shared already 

  • Important decisions or changes that have to be made or have to be made soon

  • Something you’re looking forward to in their business soon [course launch date, new service promo, etc]

  • Any changes or updates to the project's budget or timeline, including new insights or learnings

  • Key metrics or data that have been collected and analyzed [keep this high-level]

Happy Clients

The platforms I use to keep my clients updated

My weekly status report is sent via email. To save time, the canned email is saved under “templates” in my Google Suite inbox.

Is this helpful to you? Share this list with your team, and be ready to knock your client’s socks off

How often do you update your clients?


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