Pro Tips for Efficient Multiple Client Management

Ever felt lost in the hustle of managing clients? You're not alone. Juggling multiple clients can be overwhelming!

But I’m sharing my best hacks and a few tricks you can use to turn this challenge into a well-organized and efficient process.


I was recently asked during a discovery call with a lead how I manage multiple clients, especially when open to bringing on new client work.

The truth is, managing clients can feel like a full-time job— whether you have two or fifty-two. 

And I just so happen to have some tricks up my sleeve that make this job just a little easier.

With the right strategies and tools, you can do it like a pro too. Let's talk about my best tips for efficient and effective client management. 

Prioritize & Plan

Determine which clients are most important and focus on them first. I like to tier out the clients based on how much they're paying, what services are being offered, and the level of communication cadence. 

Next, try to anticipate client needs, and take actions to address them before they even ask. Use tools like task lists, folders, and labels to keep track of client information. 

Take it a step further by incorporating predictive analysis tools into your workflow. These tools can analyze past client interactions, project progress, and industry trends to predict future requirements. This allows you to proactively address client needs before they even express them.

Explore customer relationship management (CRM) tools with predictive analytics features. Platforms like Dubsdao, Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho CRM can provide insights into client behavior and needs. Set up automated alerts based on predictive data, enabling you to stay one step ahead in meeting your clients' expectations.


My Best Hack: Create a Client Status Board and update it weekly. This will help you prioritize and plan your workload accordingly and ensure that no client falls through the cracks. I use my PM tool, Asana, but you can also use Excel or Google Sheets. 

Next, list out all your clients and place them into buckets or tiers based on the services you offer (ie: Retainer Clients, Project Management Clients, VIP Day Clients, and so on).

Then, add the communication frequency (ie: how often do you meet? How often do you email?).

Another section I like to include is the temper check. Identify clients by labels like “happy client”, “at-risk client” and “needs more attention”.  I update this board weekly and review it all the time. As I expand and bring on new team members, this Client Status Board gives me a quick high-level overview and helps me prioritize my time for the week.

Communicate Effectively 

STATISTICS FROM SOOCIAL SAYS  96% of business leaders believe that effective communication is key to a productive remote or hybrid work environment.

This one may sound obvious, but make sure to establish clear lines of communication and respond to client inquiries promptly. One way I like to do this is by staying on top of my inbox. 

Give updates on tasks or projects, and set up regular check-ins to manage expectations and stay on top of their needs. 

Send top clients (aka your ongoing/retainer clients) a report of time spent in their business every Monday. Even if you don't have anything new to report, this is still a best practice and a great touchpoint to have with ongoing clients. It's also an opportunity to ask questions, like if there is anything new coming through the pipeline for the week or if where you are spending time needs to pivot. 


My Best Hack: I use a tool called Toggl Reports and send a summary and weekly report every Monday morning of my time from the first of the month through the current date. This provides full transparency, which is one of my core values.

Leverage Client Portals for Streamlined Communication

One more thing about communication: Utilizing client portals can significantly enhance communication efficiency. Create a secure online space where clients can access project updates, and important documents, and even communicate directly with you or your team. Tools like ShareFile, Dropbox, or even a dedicated section on your website can serve as effective client portals.

My Best Hack: Set up automated notifications within your client portal for updates, file uploads, or messages. This ensures that both you and your clients are always on the same page. By centralizing communication through a portal, you reduce the risk of important messages getting buried in overflowing inboxes and streamline collaboration.

Actually, Manage Your Time 

Break down your work into smaller tasks and allocate time to each task based on the deadline and level of importance.  When working with multiple clients, it is important to be flexible. Be prepared to adjust your schedule or priorities as needed. This is exactly why I do not “book myself out” with retainer clients. I've learned the hard way that you need a buffer or a bucket of hours not allocated to a specific client.

My Best Hack: I love using the time-blocking method as a way to avoid context-switching and feeling overwhelmed. I set aside specific times in my day for tasks like planning, email management, and focused work. For example, I have “inbox zero” on my calendar three times a day. This permits me to not live in my inbox all day. I'm able to zone in on client work, and I'm not wasting time or energy switching between inbox and other platforms. I'm telling you that when you have multiple clients, your inbox and PM tool will always have notifications. Guaranteed. 

Automate & Delegate

If possible, delegate tasks to other team members.

If you do not have a team, there are plenty of technologies that can help you automate. Find the tools that work best for you and use them to your advantage. 

Some of my favorites are Asana, Slack, Google, Toggl, Dubsado, Grammarly, and Loom. Before you add a tool to your stack, assess if this tool will make life easier or overwhelm you. Reevaluate the tool if it's not working for you. 

My Best Hack: Turn notifications ON so that nothing gets missed. Hear me out… If I don't have my notifications on in my email and PM tools, there is a big chance that things will slip through the cracks. I recommend setting up notifications on your communication and project management software.

Manage Your Energy 

You may have a lot of time, but without energy, that time is useless. 

Stay focused by breaking tasks down into manageable chunks and taking breaks when needed. 

Set boundaries and say "no" when necessary without feeling guilty, as it doesn't mean you're not dedicated to client success but rather prioritizing and managing your time effectively. 

It's important to set boundaries and be available within reasonable working hours. 


My Best Hack: Commit to a daily self-care practice. This will help you maintain your well-being and avoid burnout while managing multiple clients. My go-to is a mid-day walk inside or outside (because it's tricky to walk in a snowstorm, so thank goodness for the desk treadmill).

Being adaptable and smart with your time is key. With these tips, you're not just managing clients, you're building strong relationships. So, stay organized, keep communication flowing, and take care of yourself. Here's to making client management a breeze and reaching new heights in your professional journey!


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