High-level operational leadership and strategic oversight

Five years ago, if you mentioned “fractional COO,” you'd probably get a lot of blank stares. The whole concept of “fractional anything” was pretty much unheard of.

But today, a Fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO) is way more common. This is a fantastic opportunity for business owners to access executive-level support without the full-time executive-level cost.

You don’t need another business coach, you need a Fractional Chief Operating Officer.


I said what I said. Let's be real for a second: the endless cycle of business coaches can only take you so far. If you're tired of feeling stuck and overwhelmed, it’s time to bring in someone who can take your business to the next level – a Fractional COO.

A Chief Operating Officer doesn't just give advice; they roll up their sleeves and dive into the nitty-gritty of your business operations.

They streamline processes, optimize performance, and ensure every part of your business runs smoothly. So, if you're ready to scale, grow, and truly thrive, it’s time to make that powerful shift.

Without a skilled Fractional COO, your business may face several risks, liiike:

Lack of Accountability & Alignment: Teams may struggle to stay on track and work towards common goals.

Inefficient Systems & Poor Productivity: Operations can become chaotic, leading to wasted time and resources.

Team Burnout & High Turnover Rates: Overworked and unhappy teammates are more likely to leave.

Missed Opportunities for Growth & Increased Profits: Potential advancements and revenue can slip through the cracks.

CEOs Working in the Business, Not on the Business: Leaders get bogged down with daily tasks instead of focusing on strategic growth.

When you have a professional on your team committed to getting systems in place, you can expect:

Operations Streamlining

Workflow Design & Strategy

Applications Roadmaps

Application Selection

Costing & Budgeting

Vendor Management

Expense Optimization

Strategic Review

Project Management

Change Management

Service Optimization

Management & Policies

“The role of a Fractional COO can offer immense value to businesses today. While the fractional concept may have been a little odd, like, five years ago, it has become a strategic choice for many organizations seeking high-caliber operational leadership without the full-time expense.”

— Crystal Eva

But, does hiring a Fractional COO make sense for YOU?

This offer is for you if…

You Need Strategic Leadership: If you're seeking expert guidance to align your operations with your business goals and drive growth, I can provide the strategic leadership you need.

You're Facing Operational Challenges: If your business struggles with inefficiencies, bottlenecks, or complex operational issues, I can identify problems and implement effective solutions.

You're Growing Rapidly: If your business is scaling quickly and you need support to manage this growth effectively, I can help streamline processes and ensure sustainable expansion.

You Want to Improve Team Productivity: If you need someone to foster a positive work culture, motivate your team, and enhance overall productivity, I bring the leadership skills necessary to achieve this.

You Need Expertise Without Full-Time Costs: If you want high-level operational support without the expense of a full-time executive, I offer a cost-effective solution for accessing top-tier talent.

This offer is not for you if…

X You Prefer Full-Time On-Site Leadership: If you require a dedicated, full-time executive who is always on-site, a fractional COO's part-time engagement might not meet your needs.

X You're Looking for Short-Term Consulting: If you only need temporary advice or short-term consulting, rather than ongoing operational leadership, a fractional COO might not be the right fit.

X You Have a Stable and Efficient Operation: If your business operations are already highly efficient and you don't face significant operational challenges, you might not need the additional support a fractional COO provides.

X You Need Hands-Off Guidance: If you prefer hands-off guidance or mentoring rather than someone deeply involved in your day-to-day operations, a business coach might be more suitable than a fractional COO.

X You're Not Ready for Change: If your business isn't ready to implement significant changes or you prefer maintaining the status quo, a fractional COO's focus on improvement and optimization may not align with your current goals.

Apply to Work with Crystal

Apply to Work with Crystal

“Crystal's work is characterized by thoughtfulness and precision,

her attention to detail is impeccable. We hired her to set up a CRM for our marketing agency. Crystal goes above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of the setup process is meticulously executed. From configuring our CRM to crafting multiple automated workflows for our marketing agency, Crystal's work is characterized by thoughtfulness and precision. She seamlessly integrated branded elements and maintained our tone of voice throughout, exceeding our expectations at every turn. I can't wait for the opportunity to work with her again.”

Toni Stratis | Full Scoop Marketing | Toronto, Ontario


Get results,

improve efficiency

Are you ready to elevate your business operations with top-tier expertise without the full-time cost? Even small business owners with limited resources can benefit from executive leadership for just a few hours or days each week.

Whether you’re implementing new strategies, improving daily workflows, or seeking an external perspective to create your roadmap for the future, having me on your team can make all the difference.

I’m thrilled to offer this transformative service, bringing my extensive background in operational management to support your business. I specialize in creating streamlined workflows, implementing effective systems, and fostering a culture of clear communication and collaboration.

Your Next Steps


Hi, I’m Crystal Eva

The CEO of Systems.

I totally get why you're here. Your time is precious, and it should be spent on actually running your business, not wasting hours Googling for solutions or trying to implement ideas that might not pan out as you envisioned.

By working with me, you’ll get expertise in creating and implementing business processes, systems, and workflows that actually work. Let's get your business in order together.

Ready to make your business more efficient and effective?


Do you have questions about Fractional COO Services?

  • A fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a part-time executive hire who provides high-level operational expertise and guidance to organizations. Unlike a full-time COO, a fractional COO works on a contract, retainer, or part-time basis, offering flexibility and access to experienced operational leadership without the full-time cost.

    These professionals typically work with small to medium businesses that can’t afford or don’t require a full-time COO. They assist in everything from strategic planning, optimizing processes, managing projects, to shaping company culture.

    By addressing operational challenges and improving efficiencies, a fractional COO drives growth and success, allowing business owners to focus on core strategic areas.

  • Your business might benefit from a fractional COO if:

    1. Your operations need a boost in efficiency.
    2. The expense of a full-time COO is daunting.
    3. There’s a struggle in planning and executing growth strategies.
    4. There’s a notable leadership gap in operations management.
    5. You’re venturing into new markets that require specific knowledge.
    6. Your time is consumed by day-to-day operational tasks.

  • 1. Cost-Effective: Hiring a fractional COO allows you to access the expertise of a high-level executive without incurring the cost of a full-time salary and benefits.

    2. Flexibility: Fractional COOs offer a flexible solution for businesses that need operational leadership on a part-time, interim, or project basis.

    3. Experienced Leadership: Fractional COOs typically have broad industry experience and can provide fresh insights and proven strategies to improve your operations.

    4. Focused Approach: As they are not involved in the day-to-day tasks, fractional COOs are able to focus on strategic planning, process optimization, and overall performance improvement.

    5. Time Savings: With a fractional COO handling operational responsibilities, business owners can focus more on strategic growth activities.

    6. Transition Management: If a business is between COOs, a Fractional COO can step in to fill the gap and ensure a smooth transition.

    7. Scalability: As your business grows, a fractional COO can help manage and streamline processes, making scaling easier and more manageable.

  • A Fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO) plays a crucial role in strategic planning, contributing actively to the development and execution of business plans that align with the organization’s objectives. They work on process optimization by reviewing and streamlining business operations to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. One of their primary responsibilities includes performance management, wherein they measure and monitor key operational metrics to ensure business goals are met, set standards, and foster continuous improvement.

    In times of change or significant growth, a Fractional COO guides the organization, ensuring a smooth transition with minimum disruption. They also provide team leadership, helping to create a positive and productive work environment by managing and developing the staff.

    They bring their project management skills to the fore by overseeing business projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and meet the desired quality standards. Furthermore, they maintain open lines of communication with other executives, board members, and stakeholders to assure alignment of business operations and strategies. Lastly, they identify potential operational risks, manage them proactively, and devise strategies to mitigate impacts.

    In essence, the responsibilities of a Fractional COO extend across a broad spectrum but are often tailored to the unique needs and scale of the business they are working with.

  • The primary difference between hiring a fractional COO versus a full-time COO lies in the level of commitment and the financial investment involved.

    When you hire a full-time COO, you’re committing to a high-ranking, full-time employee, which means you’ll likely have significant salary and benefits costs. Full-time COOs also usually require a long-term commitment, as they become integral parts of your executive team, involved in daily, tactical decisions and long-term strategic planning.

    On the other hand, hiring a fractional COO allows you to bring in experienced executive talent on a part-time, interim, or project basis. This flexible model can be more cost-effective for businesses, especially small to medium enterprises that need high-level expertise but may not require or be able to afford a full-time COO. Fractional COOs can provide strategic guidance, help in comprehensive project implementation, and usher in a methodical approach to your company’s operations without a long-term commitment.

    Simply put, hiring a fractional COO typically provides businesses the flexibility they need, both in terms of finance and operational guidance, to grow and scale.

  • The length of a contract with a fractional COO can vary greatly depending on the specific needs and circumstances of your business. It can be as short as a few months for a specific project or transitional period, or it can extend to a few years for ongoing strategic guidance and operational support.

    Some businesses engage a fractional COO on a retainer basis for a set number of hours or days per week over an extended period. Others may use their services more intensively during a growth phase or transitional period and less so once those objectives are met.

    It’s essential to discuss your needs and expectations clearly at the outset to ensure the contract with your fractional COO aligns with your business goals and budget.

  • A fractional COO carries out a wide array of tasks within organizations, including but not limited to strategic planning and execution, process improvement and efficiency enhancement, performance management, change management, leadership and team management, stakeholder communication, and risk management. Understanding that every organization has distinct operational needs, their precise responsibilities can be tailored to align with the company’s size, industry, and specific objectives.