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Have you ever heard the saying, "The cobbler's children have no shoes"? It's a fancy way of saying that sometimes, the people who are really good at something forget to use their skills for themselves.

As service providers, we oftentimes are guilty of helping clients shine while your own backend processes gather dust. YIKES! This happens to the best of us. We get so caught up in making magic for our clients that our own growth takes a backseat.

Guess what? I’ve cracked the code to change that, and I’m here to tell you why this is a game-changer for businesses like yours.

Be Your Own Best Client

Life can get pretty hectic, especially when clients have pressing needs. In the chaos, my own business plans would often take a backseat or get stuck in the "maybe later" zone. Sound familiar?

But things changed when my business became our own client for real - our biggest client ever! 

Yep, I’m walking the talk and experiencing the strategies I suggest to clients firsthand. 

Can you imagine hiring yourself as a client and treating your business just as you would a real client? It's like switching roles and getting a fresh perspective on your own game. 

3 Big Reasons Why You Should Give This a Shot Too

1. Get Your Priorities Straight

I used to think I was on top of my marketing game, but let's be real, client work sometimes pulled me off track. By treating myself like a client, I changed the game. Meetings, strategies, and execution were no longer optional with myself and the team. We went from vague plans to a clear path, and now we're unstoppable.

Our game plan isn't just a bunch of words on paper. It's now a living, breathing guide that keeps us on track. No more pushing our goals to the backburner because our team knows that every month, they'll be sharing with me what they've done, what they've invested, and what results they've nailed.

2. Room to Talk

My approach to handling clients' budgets has always been cautious. But when I decided to treat myself as a client, my view on budgets did a complete 180. Suddenly, I understood firsthand how nerve-wracking it can be to invest money in new marketing tools or strategies without a guaranteed return on investment. This shift made me savvier with how I use clients' funds, and it made us more adaptable in our work approach.

Instead of using clients as the testing ground, I used my business as the guinea pig. If something worked well, I felt confident recommending it to our clients. But, if an idea didn't quite pan out (and trust me, we've had a few duds), I knew it was time to redirect our efforts and resources elsewhere.

Does the client benefit from this too? You betcha. 

3. Walk a Mile in Your Client's Shoes

The last, but perhaps most important, lesson we’ve learned through our time as our own best client is how the experience of working with our brand feels.

Seeing my brand through the client's eyes was mind-blowing. You think you're acing customer service, but the reality check is worth it. I discovered our own strengths and weaknesses. 

Mind you, this new strategy of mine wasn't all sunshine and rainbows—some tactics fizzled out. And that’s just it. It’s a NEW strategy of business structure. At the end of the day, this strategy transformed my business and my clients businesses

Why sit back and just talk about eating your own dog food? Go ahead and taste every flavor. It's time to give yourself the same commitment you give to your clients. Your business deserves it. Heck, YOU, the ceo, deserve it! 

Whether you're a one-person show or a team leader, you've got what it takes to level up. Your clients will love you for it, and your business will never be the same again.

Let's shake things up together! Leave a comment on this IG Post if you plan to use this strategy in your business.


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