Transform Your Business in Just 2 Hours a Week

I’ve been reflecting on something lately that’s completely changing how I approach my work, and I just had to share it with you. It all started with a simple yet powerful question: “If I could only spend 2 hours a week working on my business, what would I do that most moves the needle?”

Take a moment to think about that. If you had just 2 hours each week to make the biggest impact on your business, what would you choose to focus on? For me, this question has been a game-changer. It’s pushed me to identify and zero in on the tasks that truly drive progress and growth.

Here’s What I’ve Learned:

1. Strategic Planning

Taking time to map out clear, actionable plans is essential. It’s more than just setting goals; it’s about creating a detailed roadmap for how to achieve them. I like to call these ‘action items’. When you have a clear vision and a plan, every step you take brings you closer to your goals.

2. Client Engagement

Building and nurturing relationships with clients is crucial. Whether it’s through personalized check-ins, feedback calls, or simply sending a thank-you note, maintaining these connections is invaluable. In the hustle and bustle of business, it’s easy to forget the power of simple, genuine interaction. These relationships build trust and loyalty, which are the foundations of long-term success.

3. Process Optimization

Streamlining workflows and automating repetitive tasks is one of my favorite activities. I treat it like an audit of my business. What tasks did I do more than once today, this week, or this month? Creating systems that free up time and mental energy for more important, impactful work feels like getting ahead of the game.

Shifting Focus: Why Not All the Time?

This question has led to a major shift in how I allocate my time. If these tasks are the most impactful, why not dedicate more of my time to them? Here’s why this approach is so powerful:

  • Efficiency: By focusing on high-impact activities, I get more done in less time.

  • Clarity: It helps me cut through the noise and concentrate on what truly matters.

  • Growth: With efforts centered on these key areas, my business is thriving like never before.

I challenge you to ask yourself the same question: If you could only spend 2 hours a week working on your business, what would you do that most moves the needle? Identify those tasks and start reallocating your time toward them. Trust me, you’ll be amazed at the results!

This approach has significantly boosted my business by focusing on high-impact tasks like strategic planning, client engagement, and process optimization.


Crystal Eva

About Crystal Eva

Crystal Eva is a Fractional Chief Operating Officer. She empowers and supports women entrepreneurs by streamlining their technology, enhancing client retention, and elevating the client journey and onboarding process with seamless efficiency.

P.S. Are you ready to streamline, elevate, and turbocharge your business growth so you can live a more balanced life?  

Here are all the ways I can help you

  1. Looking to impress clients from Day 1? Grab the New Client Onboarding Workbook that’s been tested and proven to be effective and for a limited time, Crystal is sharing this valuable step-by-step guide and templates with you for FREE!

  2. Feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day tasks that are holding you back from scaling your business? Crystal’s Monthly Support Retainer Service might be the game-changer you've been searching for. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with Crystal today!


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