Scale Your Business Using The 10-80-10 Rule

"Why isn't she getting it right?!"

When I brought on “Karen” as my first teammate, I expected things to go smoothly. She seemed smart and hardworking, and I looked forward to handing off some tasks so I could focus on clients. But it didn't quite go as planned.

At first, everything was fine. However, over time, Karen's work wasn't meeting my standards. Eventually, I realized the problem wasn't Karen—it was me. I had expected her to take over tasks I'd been doing for years without providing proper training. I made a common mistake: telling her what to do instead of showing her.

I learned a valuable lesson that even seasoned CEOs sometimes miss. It's called the 10-80-10 Rule, a simple way to lead and scale effectively. Let me break it down for you with practical examples.


How the 10-80-10 Rule works

Start with 10% Training:

Imagine you're a chef teaching someone to make your secret sauce. Spend the first 10% of your time showing them the ingredients, the steps, and the techniques. Don't just hand them the recipe and expect perfection.

Let them do 80%:

Give your team member the space to handle 80% of the task on their own. In our sauce-making scenario, they take charge of chopping, stirring, and cooking. This builds their confidence and makes them an active part of the process.

Finish with 10% Polishing:

Now, in the final 10%, step in to refine and polish. Maybe you demonstrate the perfect consistency or the ideal taste. Use tools like video tutorials or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to show the finishing touches.

The Emotional Intelligence Bonus

The 10-80-10 Rule is not just about tasks; it's also about managing expectations and practicing emotional intelligence. By setting aside that initial 10%, you acknowledge the importance of proper training. This prevents frustration and ensures that your team understands your expectations.

The 80% lets them learn by doing, building their confidence. Your role is more of a guide, and they contribute significantly by handling the bulk of the work. The final 10% ensures a high-quality result, and because it's expected, it's not seen as micromanaging but rather as part of the learning and growth process.

When to Apply the Rule

While the 10-80-10 Rule won't fit every situation, it's perfect for scaling and maintaining quality. If you're struggling with delegation or scaling efforts, give it a shot.

In a nutshell

10%: Start them off.

80%: Let them move it forward.

10%: Clean it up.

Because, in leadership, actions speak louder than words. Show, don't just tell.


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