Onboarding Your New Client via Dubsado 

Planning your client process before diving into Dubsado is like a secret time-saver! I know, I know, it might not sound like the most exciting thing, but trust me, it's a game-changer.

I'm going to show you the ropes of client processes, how to map them out, and then how to use this plan to breeze through your Dubsado setup. It's like having a magic roadmap – no more confusion, just a clear path to success! 🚀

Let's dive into a super easy guide to create a top-notch client experience in 5 steps:

Step 1: Get to Know Your Potential Clients (Lead Capture)

Okay, so. Someone's curious about your services. They might fill out a form, book a chat with you, or decide to buy something awesome right from your site. This is like the "getting to know you" phase. Be ready for two outcomes – they're all in, or they might not be the right fit.

Step 2: Welcome Aboard (Onboarding)

So, they're ready to jump on board! High-five! Now, make sure they have everything they need to start this exciting journey. Send them a warm welcome and ask them a few questions to understand the reason why they want to connect with you.

Step 3: Let's Do This (Service Fulfillment)

Time to make the magic happen. Whether you're doing everything for them or working together, staying connected is key. Share your plan, show progress, and chat with them. Communication is like the secret sauce here.

Step 4: You Rock! (Off-boarding)

Woohoo, you've nailed it! Time to give them what they've been waiting for. Think of it as wrapping up a really cool gift. Make sure they get everything they were promised and say a big thank you.

Step 5: Keeping in Touch (Follow-up)

You're not saying goodbye forever – just see you later! Check-in, ask how they're doing, and if they'd like to share their thoughts. A little testimonial or shoutout can be pretty sweet.

Alright, let's talk about the setup. Keep it simple, and remember these 3 things:

1. Use Automation

Meet your helper, AUTOMATION, that makes things easier for you. It lets you do things without spending all day on them. It's like having more time without the extra work.

2. Add Some Personality

Be you! Make it special by sending a small gift, like a coffee gift card before a meeting or adding a personal touch to emails. Show them the amazing person behind the business - YOU!

3. Talk, Talk, Talk

Communication is like the glue that holds everything together. Share info upfront, and you won't have to explain later. Your clients should feel comfy, knowing all the steps.

Why Plan Before Using Dubsado?

The best way I can describe the planning process is like this: You're building a fancy puzzle. Before you start, you look at the picture on the box. Planning your client journey is like that picture. It helps you see each piece and not miss anything. Plus, you'll give everyone the same great experience.

How to Plan Your Journey

Take it step by step:

1. Lead Capture:

How will clients find you? They might fill out a form or chat with you. Plan for both outcomes – a new adventure or a polite goodbye

2. Onboarding:

When they're in, what do they need? Send them an email and ask a few questions to understand them better.

3. Service Fulfillment:

How will you work together? Keep talking and show progress. It's like solving a puzzle together.

4. Off-boarding:

They've got their treasure! Deliver everything they expected and say thanks. It's like ending a great movie.

5. Follow-up:

Stay in touch! Ask for their thoughts or just say hi. It's like catching up with an old friend.

Bringing Your Plan to Life in Dubsado

Time to make it real. For each step, think about what you need. Like sending emails or making schedules. Set it all up in Dubsado.

I realize this is a lot! And the very first step is ensuring your Dubsado account is set up properly. I may have something that can help! This step-by-step Dubsado Setup checklist is my gift to you!

Access the Checklist

Click here to access a complete 4-phase breakdown of account setup, building templates, and creating and testing workflow automations.

So, that's it! You've got the Dubsado setup checklist and the roadmap to create an epic client journey. Now go, make your clients' experience as awesome as it can be! 🚀 Feel free to use this affiliate link to receive 20% off your first month or year with Dubsado. 

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